Weekend Update #5

It’s Monday, so I’m linking up with Tara for another edition of Weekend Update! Weekend-EditionThis was my super long, four-day weekend! It’s not quite as great as it sounds due to me having a cold/flu the entire time but hey, I would much rather be sick now than next week while I’m in Paris!


I got up for work for work and discovered that I was ill. My throat hurt so bad that it was difficult to talk. I sucked it up and went to work, because that’s what you do when you work in the food service industry. It makes perfect sense, I know.

Later, I got in my 5 mile run at Fleet Feet. We did a slightly faster pace than we have been doing and I didn’t feel horrible despite being sick. Maybe that speed work is already making a difference?


This was a rest day for me anyway so I took that pretty seriously. I had a doctor’s appointment in the morning and other than that didn’t do much for the remainder of the day.


I got up at 4:30 to give my dog his meds and decided to stay up. I enjoyed some coffee and read blogs until the sun came up so that I could go for a run. Considering that I’ve never really been a morning person, it continues to amaze me how I voluntarily get up so early to go for a run. I didn’t exactly have a goal in mind for this run since I was sick, so I just went with how I felt. I ended up running 10 miles @ 9:10 pace. I felt surprisingly good and I might have been able to keep going but I needed to get home so my husband could go get the oil changed in his car. I think perhaps I should have worn gloves. The temperature said 50 but it felt much cooler to me which was fine except for my hands. The last few miles I was having a hard time using them because they were numb.

The rest of the day was spent being productive by washing laundry.


I went to OTF in the morning and got a pretty good calorie burn on. Then I went home and made a yummy breakfast smoothie. My husband got me a large box of mangoes from Sam’s club so I’ve been enjoying them in my smoothies lately.

Later we went to my a 2nd birthday party for my friend’s daughter. Our girls are only about 3 months apart. It’s amazing watching them grow up so quickly.


Happy Memorial Day!

OTF in the morning. Then later we went to Toys “R” Us to pick up a water table for Haylie. She enjoyed playing with one the previous day at the party so we thought that it would be a good investment. We also had gift cards from her birthday party last year to use up, so it worked out perfectly. We ended up paying a whole dollar for the water table!

My husband made us all a delicious dinner on the grill. Overall, it was a nice, relaxing weekend. Next week at this time we’ll be in Paris!

Did you do anything fun this weekend? Do you have any exciting trips coming up this summer?

10 thoughts on “Weekend Update #5

  1. Despite the illness-sounds like you had a great weekend. That sunrise picture is beautiful-where did you take that? Love the water table! My weekend was crazy busy and I can’t even think about writing about it-lol!!

    Summer trips- NYC for sister’s 40th at the beginning of July, Atlanta for a football tournament the weekend of the 19th, Miami the last week in July.

    I am so excited for you and your trip to Paris!!


    1. It was a great weekend, thanks! I’m hoping to beat this illness soon. The pic was taken at Gunner’s Lake. It’s always so pretty over there in the morning and I love to watch the sunrise.

      Sounds like you have a busy summer planned! I hope your trips are all amazing! I’d love to go to NYC again. They have some awesome bakeries there!

      Thanks so much! I’m so excited and I can’t believe it’s less than a week away! Times flies!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. We used to have that water table! It’s awesome! (And what a steal at $1!) Nothing too crazy planned for this summer yet, but hopefully we will get to the beach once or twice. This weekend was just awesome. Lots of fun playing outside. It stinks having to come back to work!

    I’m glad you had a great holiday!


  3. Sounds like a great weekend! I totally get the getting up early thing, but for some reason these days, I can’t seem to drag myself out of bed! Paris next week? AHHH! So exciting!! What is the occasion??


    1. My husband is actually going to Paris for work so I decided to tag along. It’s on my bucket list so I just couldn’t pass up the opportunity!


  4. Great weekend of workouts despite the fact you were sick! You really pushed yourself. I hope you feel much better for your trip to Paris next week – so exciting!! The only trips on my agenda so far are my marathon week/family vacation in Minnesota and a possible work trip to Santiago, Chile in August!


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