Candy Cake City 5k Race Recap

The awesome ladies that I spent the majority of my Wednesday mornings doing speed work with over the summer, the Luna Chix, suggested that we sign up for this race to put all that hard work to good use. I was a little nervous actually since I haven’t run a 5k since high school and had no idea how to pace myself.

The race was through Montgomery County Road Runners Club which I have been meaning to join for the last year or two. I guess this race was the motivation that I finally needed, so I signed up. Members run low-key races for free which is awesome!

“The mission of the MCRRC is to promote and encourage running.

We are one of the largest, most active running clubs in the nation, known for our low-key but high-quality club races, training runs, special events, and other activities. We offer programs and opportunities for all types of runners, from newcomers to experienced. Whether your goal is to run a marathon or just to get into shape, you’ll find other club members who share your interests.”

Race Morning:

I had no idea how to dress. Some how I forgot how to dress for colder weather since last year. I decided upon a t-shirt and shorts the previous night and instantly regretted it, but I didn’t want to wake up my husband by searching for something else to wear so I decided to suck it up. It was definitely a chilly morning with temps in the 40s.

I got there an hour early because parking was said to be limited and I have anxiety about being late. Apparently I didn’t need to be there quite that early since the race bib pickup wasn’t even set up yet so I hung out in my car to stay warm.

Once the volunteers were all set up, I was able to get my bib and timing chip quickly. Now I can literally show up a few minutes before the low-key races and run.

We all met up near the registration table around 7:15 to give us time to warm up ( 1 mile and dynamic stretches). Before I knew it, it was time to line up to begin the race.

IMG_8648 IMG_8650IMG_8652The Race:

Overall, the race went pretty well. I wonder if I could’ve pushed myself a bit harder, but seeing as how this was my first 5k in many years it was a great learning experience. I did warm up pretty quickly after I started moving so the t-shirt and shorts weren’t the worst idea after all. The Rock Creek Trail is beautiful, especially with the leaves this time of year, and I enjoyed taking in all of the scenery.

I’m going off my Garmin time since the race results were from the gun time and I know I was a little faster.

Splits Time Cumulative Time Distance Elev Gain Elev Loss Avg Pace
1 7:25.7 7:25.7 1.00 7:26
2 7:32.9 14:59 1.00 26 21 7:33
3 7:23.0 22:22 1.00 6 7:23
4 0:46.3 23:08 0.12 6:35
Summary 23:08 23:08 3.12 26 27 7:25

I got first in my age group (out of 11) and 6th female (out of 152).

Candy Cane City 5K - Photo by Ken Trombatore
Candy Cane City 5K – Photo by Ken Trombatore
Candy Cane City 5K - Photo by Ken Trombatore
Candy Cane City 5K – Photo by Ken Trombatore
Candy Cane City 5K - Photo by Ken Trombatore
Candy Cane City 5K – Photo by Ken Trombatore


Afterward, we headed to a local deli for breakfast, which was delicious and the conversation was a great way to end our time together.

I loved this race experience! It was so nice to meet up with a wonderful group of friends and cheer each other on. It was another reminder of all that running has brought to my life.

In other news, I was finally matched with my I Run For buddy! This is a wonderful organization and you should really check it out. I signed up almost 6 months ago and have so been looking forward to being matched. I’m so excited to begin building a wonderful relationship with my buddy and his family.


I Run 4 Michael is a non-profit organization founded in January 2013 by Tim Boyle, who was inspired to run for more than health and weight-loss by a viral meme saying, “I run because I can. When I get tired, I remember those who can’t run, what they would give to have this simple gift I take for granted, and I run harder for them.” When Tim shared the meme, Michael, a 50-something man with Down Syndrome, replied, “You can run for me any time!”

Do you like racing the 5k distance? Have you heard of I Run 4?