MCRRC Jingle Bell Jog

This was the last race of 2015! Where did the year go?!

I ran the Jingle Bell Jog in Rockville, Maryland on December 13th. This was another MCRRC race so it was free thanks to my membership. The race distance was 4.78 miles and since I’ve never raced this distance before it was an automatic PR. I’m not normally one to dress up for a race, but I decided that it might be a fun to do so for a change. I fell in love with these socks from Brooks and had to have them.


It was an unseasonably warm 54 degrees that day, hence the t-shirt. My BRF, Tamieka @ Fit Balling Running Mom, let me borrow a tutu and belt for the occasion. We also ran into Jeri from our MRTT group.


It was a surprising hilly course, but then again it seems hard to find anywhere flat to run in this area. DSC_0386

There were lots of snacks afterward, including bagels, bananas, animal crackers and m&ms. They also had coffee and hot chocolate to drink, but it seemed entirely too warm for that. img_9138

Off Season LUNA Ladies & Friends

It certainly wasn’t my best effort, but it was a fun race regardless. I enjoy seeing lots of people who I know at these small, local races.

Place  Sex/Tot  Div/Tot   Time   Pace 
117        33/155        7/15     40:28    8:28

Do you ever dress up for races?