Weekly Recap: Cherry Blossom 10 miler Training

Overall, it was a pretty uneventful week. Sometimes after races I find myself thinking where do I go from here. I really do enjoy the structure that training brings to my life. I would sign up for all the races if I could but I don’t think my body or my bank account would support that. Those registration fees add up fast! Not to mention, that I feel guilty spending too much time away from my daughter and husband. This week I just went with how I felt and I’ll start focusing more on Cherry Blossom next week.

Monday- 5k @ 7:58 pace. This was a great run! I felt amazing between resting up on Sunday and the weather. I also decided to run somewhere new. It’s this shopping center with a little lake near where I live. I go there pretty frequently for shopping, eating and such but have never actually run it. I felt like a change of location was in order to celebrate this 60+ degree day. It’s also really flat whereas the city I live in has hills everywhere.


Gotta love negative splits!
Gotta love negative splits!

Tuesday- I did my own St. Patty’s day 5k @ 8:38 pace. It was a little cooler than Monday but still felt great in the 50’s. I was so glad to be sporting a green t-shirt and shorts.

It was pretty windy so excuse the crazy hair.
It was pretty windy so excuse the crazy hair.


Wednesday- Rest day. This entire day I felt off. I woke up feeling exhausted and it never wore off. After I picked up my daughter from daycare, I was falling asleep while sitting up playing with her on the floor. Not to worry, every time I fell asleep she would come running over yelling “eyes, eyes” and proceed to poke me in the eyelids until I opened them. There’s no sleeping on her watch!

Thursday- 5 miles @ 8:55 pace with Fleet Feet. I still wasn’t feeling like myself but really wanted to run with Fleet Feet since our Thursday night runs were canceled for at least a month straight due to the lovely weather. Luckily there were a few other people who were also recovering from Rock’n’Roll DC so we took it pretty easy. ItΒ  started to cool off again but I was still so glad to be outside!

Friday-Orange Theory and yet more snow! I thought it was supposed to be Spring now?!

IMG_5778I did go to a fun Paris themed night at Fleet Feet. They had mini massages and paraffin wax hand treatments. Yay!

IMG_5799Saturday-3 miles. This morning didn’t go as planned in any way. I wanted to get 9 miles in but I really wasn’t feeling up to it. I talked myself into literally running an errand so I at least got a short run in. Then I spent the rest of the day hanging out with my husband and daughter.

Sunday- Some more Orange Theory and a pretty sunrise.

IMG_5816That’s about it. I hope everyone had a lovely weekend.

Did you do anything exciting for St. Patrick’s Day? Do you usually make yourself run even if you aren’t feeling 100%?

10 thoughts on “Weekly Recap: Cherry Blossom 10 miler Training

  1. Over the past couple weeks I’ve realized that I think I would have to be on fire to not run my scheduled mileage. And even then I might. I hope you are feeling so much better this week and hopefully the spring temps will come back and stay! You had some great runs! (And I really want to go to Orange Theory!)


    1. Thanks! Yeah, I think I’m pretty much the same. When I was training for the Baltimore Marathon last year I ran through a sinus infection and some IT band issues (which I probably shouldn’t have). I’m ridiculously stubborn sometimes. My doctor said that either I would be able to run the marathon or I wouldn’t. At that point I already had so much invested into my training that I wanted to tell him that I would drag my dead, lifeless body across the finish line if that’s what it took. Not a fan of that doctor. Thankfully it didn’t come to that!:) I can’t wait for the spring temps to stay! I love Orange Theory! Such a great workout!


  2. That’s an awesome recovery week! I think that especially right after finishing a strong race it’s a good idea to really listen to what your body’s telling you and take the extra rest if you need it. If I’m really feeling exhausted I’ll take the extra rest day and then usually come back even stronger with an amazing run. It’s a good feeling πŸ™‚


    1. Thanks! It is a good feeling. I’m not always the best at listening to my body. I tend to push too hard sometimes when I shouldn’t then I get injured. I always hope to avoid that.


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